Sunday, June 10, 2012

Building Purchased Near RNC Site By Jeff Vinik

The owner of the Tampa Bay Lightning Jeff Vinik, entrepeneur, Philanthropist, and successful pre-bubble investment manager is expecting little or no opposition in his purchase of two buildings in Downtown Tampa near the site of the Republican National Circus happening late August of this year.  One of the buildings is the Channelside Bay Plaza, which was built with great hopes, back before Israel started taking all the cash off the streets and sending it to the middle east under their boy george.

His acquisition must be accepted by the Tampa Port Authority, but is expected to pass without a problem.  The buildings are being bought in time for the Republican National Circus, so it is porbable that they will be used in some form for the convention.

Some wits have begun to call the downtown area near port side "Vinikville".  It is surmised here by me that the Republican National Circus is an apt user of all these facilities, seeing as their symbol is the elephant.  Perhaps it will be painted white.